Safer private contents

Control, protect and limit the access to your restricted contents

Reports, catalogues, manuals, courses and every other content type that includes information we want to manage and control the access to

Safer private contents

Control, protect and limit the access to your restricted contents

Reports, catalogues, manuals, courses and every other content type that includes information we want to manage and control the access to

Safer private contents

Control, protect and limit the access to your restricted contents

Reports, catalogues, manuals, courses and every other content type that includes information we want to manage and control the access to


5 ways in which Hybrid Secure Content protects and manages contents:

Replaces the need to send single PDFs
It allows the sharing of restricted contents by placing them in private areas and making them accessible with no download required.
Controls who is allowed to enter your Private Room
Administers and denies access to users at any time by using several security layers.
Identify the people who viewed your content
Once a permit is issued, it provides information on who accessed the private area and what contents did they consult.
Avoid sharing URLs
If an authorised user shares his/her private content, our system automatically restricts that user's access and blocks all content.

Actualise changes automatically
Grant access to the latest version of all your content.

Tour through a private area full of content

They trust us

    Sharing contents with collaborators, partners, employees, suppliers or clients without losing the control over it is now posible

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